Welcome to Yearn Finance!

This is our Yearn Finance Public Page. Here you will find information like current roles needed, Workgroup updates, and Ecosystem Ideas. ****Join our community of contributors and become part of our mission to make Decentralized Finance (DeFi) simple for all!

What is Yearn? Our Principles Our People Join Us

What is Yearn Finance?

Our mission is to make DeFi simple and accessible to everyone. The Yearn Finance ecosystem is a gateway for a set of Decentralized Finance solutions that allow users to optimize their earnings on crypto assets through our products.

Decentralized Finance uses code to disintermediate centralized models and enables the creation and utilization of financial services anywhere for anyone regardless of ethnicity, age, or cultural identity. This, in turn, creates more open, free, and fair financial markets which are accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Our Products

The Yearn ecosystem consists of several products, including:


Core Products


How to Use Yearn?

For real-time stats on our yProducts please see Yearn.Vision, for tracking vault profits see trackavault, and for financials check out YFI Stats.

Our Core Principles

Yearn is an emergent and evolving experiment in decentralized collaboration. Yearn has no papers of incorporation, no headquarters, nor even a list of names and locations for contributors. Yearn is a team of generous, big hearts. We care deeply for each other, DeFi, and the world. That means Yearn will not merely be a world-changing DeFi protocol, but a blueprint for the next stage of human coordination.


We believe in: